Archive for January, 2013

Happy New Year

Friday, January 4th, 2013

For all my fans I wish the best for 2013 and for everybody else as well! Hope you all survived the fireworks and are still in possession of eyes and fingers, because they will be used for gaming again this year!

In 2012 I released my first game on the Xbox360 and that felt great. Sticky Bump was received positively overall and I had a blasting time playing the game with fans on fairs throughout the Netherlands. Commercially the game was never gonna be a winner and I was right about that. After a little over 4 months, the game got around 1500 trials and 100 sales on Xbox Live Indie Games. Good thing I haven’t quit my job yet 😉

This year I hope to release another game on PC and Xblig, before the Xbox360 will be replaced and who knows what will happen with Xblig. My new year’s resolution is to give an old favorite *yet* another chance to revive. See the prototype’s screenshot below for the current state.

Oh, and I’ll be joining the Global Game Jam this year in Amsterdam!